Wish List




Are you in search of a Kiss PItch 3.0 mentor? Then let me introduce myself.

I love living on the west coast. I live with my husband outside of Los Angeles with a glaring of unruly cats. I’m a transplant from Michigan where I lived on the western shore of Lake Michigan. I moved to California in 1993 to attend USC film school. After earning an MFA, I worked in feature film development for ten years. As a screenwriter I was a Nicholl Fellowship quarter finalist and repped by Writers & Artists.

Prior to film school, I began my career in media as an on-air radio personality. Since that time I’ve worked as a staff reporter for a weekly entertainment trade publication, a fashion copy writer, and for a brief time, I was the social media maven for a personal lubricant manufacturer. Yes. That kind of lube.

I am a former competitive figure skater. You’d never know it to look at me in sweats and sweatshirts but I am a fashionista. Especially vintage couture. When I was a tween I dreamed of being a songwriter like Carole King. I am a Swiftie and a card-carrying member of BTS ARMY. I love pop music and pick-me-up podcasts. To unwind I watch K-dramas and Home Reno programs. I’m into Formula One and English Football. I also watch a lot of hockey. A lot.

My manuscripts have won multiple awards. I PUT THE SPELL ON YOU was the first place winner of the 2014 Imajinn A Romance Contest. It also finished first place in the New Adult category of the 2014 Fantasy Futuristic & Paranormal RWA On The Fair Side Contest, and the Chesapeake RWA Finish The Damn Book Contest. In 2021, mys manuscript, THE BIG GET, was selected in the inagural class of the RWA’s RAMP mentorship. I am a member of  the Contemporary Romance Writers and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association.

My publishing experience is mostly with small presses including two YA books with Inkspell Publishing. My first adult romance with Tule Publishing, ON CHRISTMAS TREE COVE, was released in October 2021. WISHING FOR MR. RIGHT was published in September 2022.  And the final book in the series, THE CHRISTMAS DILEMMA was published in November 2023. All are sweet contemporary romances.

I have loved stories and storytelling all of my life. I’m at home in the quiet of the stacks of a university library or cozy nook in an indie bookstore. I’ll read almost anything. Books have taken me places I’ve never been. Comforted me. Challenged me. Informed me. Educated me. I feel lucky to always be able to get lost in the pages of a book. Or even better, to be found.

A lifelong reader of romance, my current WIP is a cozy mystery. I’m planning to jump into the query trenches again very soon. So I’ll be able to commiserate and cheer for you if that’s where you’re headed too.


You’ve written your book. You’ve revised once, maybe twice. You’ve polished your words. Your critique partner and beta readers have looked it over, but you want to put a final shine and polish on your words before you start the querying process. That’s more than half the battle–congratulations! What you’re applying for are a few months of rework, editing, rewriting, learning writing tips and tricks (some of which you might reject, but others that might give you that “aha!” moment), lack of sleep, laser focus on revision revision revision, and lots of support.

If you’re willing to put in all the work required, are open to feedback, want to learn, laugh, and grow together, and won’t get tired of being cheered on, you’re the kind of person I want to work with. A well-developed sense of humor is a must. As is knowing manuscript critique isn’t about you. Even if it feels personal. Even if you ‘quit’ writing every day, you get back up the next day and start again. You must be willing to persevere and never say die. Those qualities will serve you well not just during Kiss Pitch but throughout your publishing career.


I am a voice-y writer. I love writers with a bold confident storytelling style. I went to film school, I know what it’s like to be crushed by people who are just giving a critique for their own voices to be heard. I believe in constructive criticism. A nudge is better than a shove. I’ll be honest, but gentle. I don’t adhere to a particular writing method or a paint-by-numbers plot building. I believe in hard work. I believe in revision. Tearing out and building new when something isn’t working. I believe in listening to feedback from quality readers. My goal as a mentor is to help authors tell the story they want to tell the way they want to tell it, using their words and writing style.

I am able to find good stuff in every manuscript I’ve ever read. Every writer has strengths and weaknesses. I always want to make sure writers knows what they’re doing well. And what they need to work on. That having been said, I don’t shy away from pointing out the problems that might be holding you back from having a marketable manuscript. I am soft-hearted and kind. I have a great sense of humor. I consider it my greatest asset. I’ll be your biggest cheerleader. I am unrelenting in lavishing praise on those who deserve it. And are willing to work for it. But I am honest and direct when it comes to critiques. No punches pulled.


Action/Adventure, BIPOC, Historical, Humor, LGBTQ+, Cozy Mystery, Spies, Psychological Thriller, Romance (see my favorite subgenres below), Women’s Fiction, Thriller, and Young Adult.


Contemporary Romance

Contemporary romance is my sweet spot. I love modern stories of dating and romance. I am a big fan of tropes but the plots matter the most. Give me a retelling of an old story with a modern twist and I’m in my happy place.

Romantic Comedy

Yes. There’s a difference. Rom Com must be funny. I cut my teeth on the screwball comedies of the silver screen. I love chemistry, fast-talking characters, stakes that are constantly being raised and conflict. Lots of conflict. All of it ending up in a mess that has to be straightened out by some serious groveling.

Historical Romance

I’m not just into Regency-set romance. I love other periods too. Victorian. The Roaring Twenties. World War II. And I’m here for stories set in fabulous and far away places. Please, take me away.

Holiday Romance

I’m a four-season kind of gal, so I’m open to any kind of seasonal or holiday romance. I’ve written two Christmas romances. The cozy season seems to lend itself to falling in love under twinkle lights, but I’d love to read any romance stories set around any holiday.  

Sports Romance

Oh. I love sportsball. Any kind of sports. Golf romance. Curling. Any Olympic sport. I’m all in. I grew up in an ice rink. My first language is figure skating, but I speak hockey too. I love the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.

Cozy Mystery

I’ve been reading mysteries longer than any other type of genre. Encyclopedia Brown. Nancy Drew. Miss Marple. Jessica Fletcher. I love a good detective who-dun-it. Small town. Big city. Contemporary. Historical. It doesn’t matter. PS. I have an special fondness for cozy mysteries with a foodie theme. Bonus if the story includes a bit of romance.

Genre Busters

 I’ve written some books that have bent and twisted genres in unexpected ways. Some have been more successful than others and I would love to read books that fold, spindle and mutilate some genres. Unfortunately, these are exactly the kind of books that are most often rejected by traditional publishing with the words “we don’t know how to market this” in the rejection letter. But if you want to give it a go, I’m willing to do what I can to make it a winner.


I respectfully request you do not send me anything that resembles the following.

No stories with rape, abuse, incest, torture, nonconsensual or violent acts, even if those things happen off-screen. Nor do I want to see any stories that are anti-LGBTQ+ sexist, racist, anti-Semitic, or anti-anybody. Also I am an animal lover. So please no graphic acts of violence involving animals of any kind either.

Please don’t send me romance sub-genres including PNR, romantic suspense, inspirational, or erotica. I’m open to any heat level from sweet to ghost pepper hot. As long as there’s a hint of romance. I love lovers of all kinds. And if you think you’ve discovered a new sub-genre that isn’t on my list, please email me and ask me if I’m intrigued.

I’m not the right mentor for stories about religion, traditional angels or demons or Biblical retellings. I love vampires, but zombies, bigfoots and other assorted aliens and monsters may not be my thing.

If I’ve provided you with feedback before and you haven’t drastically revised your manuscript, it’s probably best that you query a different mentor.


I hope so. I am ready to do all I can to make sure you find success. Please email your query letter, manuscript pages (first 50 pages or a natural stopping place nearby) and synopsis to sarahevance [at} gmail. com


I will acknowledge receipt of your query. My goal is to respond in full to your query within two weeks.